due to the fact that there is no subforum for the Samsung Galaxy W(I8150) and the fact that I searched for almost a week to find an possibility to root my device I finally ask you guys: Is there a possibility to root my Galaxy Wonder ?
I have searched the net and the only website which contained maybe useful files was this one:http://androidadvices.com/update-sam...ski3-firmware/Marked in a red box, rooting is only mentioned generally once in the entire article. Is Gingerbread 2.3.5 ZSKI3 a rooted version or something like that ? Else I don't get the point why they are talking about an update, because the Galaxy Wonder has from stock Gingerbread 2.3.5.
What I have tried is:Superoneclick 2.1.1 = FAILED(stuck on #6)Gingerbreak 1.60 = FAILED
hope someone can help me.
Download the latest revolutionary from here, and follow the insturctions, that are written in first post, you will also need Superuser and su file. Or you can download all the needed file from my dropbox here. Now the instructions.
1. You need to download android sdk and install (use google to find it)
2. Extract files from my rar to folder platform-tools (it is inside andorid-sdk)
3.Open command prompt (Run as Administrator)
4.go to .../android-sdk/platoform-tools (find the right path)
1. You need to download android sdk and install (use google to find it)
2. Extract files from my rar to folder platform-tools (it is inside andorid-sdk)
3.Open command prompt (Run as Administrator)
4.go to .../android-sdk/platoform-tools (find the right path)
adb push zergRush_samsung_w /data/local/ adb shell (you are now in a shell, $ is already written, type just text) $ chmod 755 /data/local/zergRush_samsung_w $ chmod zergRush_samsung_w
6.wait until is finished
If root was successful last two lines shoud be:
[+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
[+] Killing ADB and restarting as root..enjoy!
If root was successful last two lines shoud be:
[+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
[+] Killing ADB and restarting as root..enjoy!
$ exit adb remount adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/ adb push su /system/bin/ adb shell (you are now in a shell, $ is already written, type just text) $ chmod 644 /system/app/Superuser.apk $ chmod 4755 /system/bin/su $ reboot
8. You are now succesfully rooted, just go on Market, and update Superuser.apk, then open Superuser from aplication menu, and update su (this is binary file). For full root experiance install Busybox.
Good luck!
And don't forget to thanks team Revolutionary and user Ch4lky!!!
Oh one more thing, go here and put a request fo Samsung Galaxy W i8150 forum section on xda, and tell every one with this phone to do the same Good luck!
And don't forget to thanks team Revolutionary and user Ch4lky!!!
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